An historical overview of our formation as a party, including the scope, purpose, and mission statement.
Building a foundation upon true, constitutional, law abiding governance!
1992: A coalition of independent state parties united to form the U.S. Taxpayers Party. The party’s founder, Howard Phillips, was on the ballot in 21 states as its first presidential candidate.
1995: Party recognized by Federal Election Commission as a national party bringing the number of nationally recognized parties to 5.
1999: Name changed to “Constitution Party” by delegates at the National Convention to better reflect the party’s primary focus of returning government to the U.S. Constitution’s provisions and limitations.
1992: A coalition of independent state parties united to form the U.S. Taxpayers Party at its first national convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Among the notable convention speakers was former Congressman Ron Paul. The party’s founder, Howard Phillips of Virginia, Chairman of the grass-roots lobby, the Conservative Caucus, was nominated to be the party’s first candidate for President with retired Army Brigadier General Albion Knight of Maryland nominated as the party’s first vice-presidential running mate. The US Taxpayer’s Party secured ballot position in 21 states.
1996: Howard Phillips was again nominated to be the party’s presidential candidate for the 1996 campaign at the party’s national convention held in San Diego, California. Attorney and writer Herb Titus of Oregon was the Constitution Party’s Vice President nominee. Ballot access was achieved in 39 states for the 1996 elections, representing over 80% of the Electoral College votes available.
2000: Delegates attending the National Convention in September 1999 voted to change the name of the US Taxpayer’s Party to “Constitution Party” to better reflect the party’s primary focus of returning government to the U.S. Constitution’s provisions and limitations. For a third and last time, Howard Phillips was nominated to serve as the standard bearer for the newly named Constitution Party for the 2000 election. Missouri surgeon Dr. J. Curtis Frazier was the nominee for Vice President. The convention was held in St. Louis, Missouri.
2004: The Constitution Party achieved ballot access in 41 states and, at its convention in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, it nominated Maryland lawyer Michael Peroutka, founder of the Institute on the Constitution, as its presidential nominee with Florida minister and commentator Chuck Baldwin as its nominee for Vice-President. Although the Constitution Party was on fewer state ballots in 2004, the vote tally increased by 40 percent compared to the 2000 elections while other ‘alternative’ parties lost ground or barely matched their 2000 vote totals.
2008: At its Kansas City, Missouri national convention, the Constitution Party nominated its 2004 nominee for Vice President, Chuck Baldwin of Florida, to be its 2008 nominee for President, selecting attorney and Constitution Party activist Darrell Castle of Tennessee, to serve as the Vice-presidential nominee.
2012: Former six-term Virginia Congressman, Virgil Goode, was nominated for President at the Constitution Party National Convention held in Nashville, Tennessee. Three-term Constitution Party National Chairman, attorney Jim Clymer of Pennsylvania, was nominated to serve as Goode’s running mate.
2016: Founding Constitution Party member, three term Vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Constitution Party, and 2008 Constitution Party Vice-presidential Candidate Darrell Castle was nominated for President. Mr. Castle’s running mate was Dr. Scott Bradley of Utah who holds a PhD in Constitutional Law. The campaign garnered over 200,000 votes setting a Constitution Party record
We are a party that believes the American Constitution should be the exclusive basis for the government and policies of the United States of America. We here, at the Constitution Party; fight for the integrity of the personal liberties of every American citizen, both social and economic.
The two-party system works hard to I silence our voice, so we must strive even harder to overcome such oppression, so that our voice rings loud, and reaches every American. The Constitution Party of Washington is prepared to take action against this oppression. The movement is growing rapidly & we WANT YOU to be a part of it.
The goal of the Constitution Party of Washington; is to achieve nothing short of electoral victory. Only through our combined efforts is victory possible – there can be no compromise in this. Unlike other parties that offer very few opportunities for the individual to determine their public representatives and the platforms thereof; the Constitution Party of Washington; would like you to assist us in that endeavor. With your help; we can choose quality leadership, perhaps even discover new leadership potential among you, & your fellow members. The greatest natural resource of a nation is its people – so it is imperative that we hear from you!
The Constitution Party of Washington; cordially invites you, and all like-minded individuals with whom your sphere of influence extends, to help determine the direction of the party. We are here to serve you. Thus; your feelings & opinions, are of the utmost value. …. If it can be argued that America is no longer the land of the free; we together, must prove that it remains the home of the brave!
National Organization Mission Statement:
The mission of the Constitution Party is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions.